WORLD GLACIERS ARE MELTING RAPIDLY ~!~ It has been reported in a new study that glaciers are melting at higher rate and it is a matter of concern since the melting rates at present are three times higher than what they were in the last century// The World Glacier Monitoring Service compiled data on glacier changes for approximately 120 years//(ukcanadaus) 

 ~!~ In order to carry out the study, researchers compared observations of the first decade of the 21st century to previous data from air borne, in situ observations in addition to reconstructions from written and pictorial sources//

 ~!~ As per Michael Zemp, Director of the World Glacier Monitoring Service and lead author of the study, at present, the observed glaciers are losing between half a meter and one meter of thickness of their ice every year// He said that it is two to three times higher than the average of the last century//(ukcanadaus)

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